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Bearded Lady Fingers

By 08/07/2020July 25th, 20244 Comments

I find it hard to put my finger on the words to describe this recipe. It’s difficult to nail them down because honestly, what can I say about a hot dog? We’ve all eaten them at barbecues, state fairs, and as quick fast food meal when you’re on the run. So there’s not much to say really, except for the fact that this gross recipe is perfect Halloween fare. The classic bloody hot dog finger. It’s a favorite among the 12 and under crowd. An easy go-to Halloween recipe that requires very little equipment, time or ingredients. What’s not to love about that?  But mostly, it’s great because it looks so disgustingly awesome for Halloween. So the question is, how do you improve on a classic?

One word…fingernails.  I’m not talking about the typical white onion nail, I’m talking about a beautiful long and pink polished fingernail. Something so out of place and so disgusting that you’ll be hesitant to take a bite.

Basically anyone can make these gruesome digits, it just takes a little prep with a sharp knife. Arguably the hardest part might be cutting the knuckles and the nail beds, but remember, Halloween food doesn’t have to be perfect. It’s supposed to look creepy and gory and sometimes happy accidents make for some awesome looking spooky food. So, grab a knife and start slicing up the dogs and red onions and make these Carn’evil’ themed Bearded Lady Fingers.

*Safety Note: I made these a few weeks before the current red onion recall in the US, where they’ve been attributed to a rash of salmonella illness. If you have any red onions in your fridge now, it is recommended to throw them out until the outbreak is contained.

Bearded Lady Fingers

A creepy twist to the classic bloody finger hot dogs for Halloween!
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Course: Main Dish
Cuisine: Carnival Food
Keyword: carnevil, Halloween, Halloween Food, Halloween Ideas, Halloween Recipes
Servings: 8 hot dogs


  • 1 package hot dogs
  • 1 package hot dog buns
  • 8 slices red onion cut into fingernails
  • Ketchup


  • Cut hot dogs to create knuckles, by first making a shallow straight cut. Then make another shallow cut at an angle to the first cut and remove the small wedge of hot dog. Repeat.
  • To make the nail beds, cut two shallow 1/2 inch cuts at the end of the hot dog about 1/2 inch apart and cut across the two cuts to mark the nail bed. Using a pairing knife, carefully carve out the cut section of the nail bed. Repeat.
  • Cut an "X" in the non-fingernail end so when cooked it will create a flared jagged end of the finger. (Optional: Add a gruesome bone to the jagged end by sticking a small piece of raw potato or small piece of string cheese into the jagged end of the hot dog and cover with ketchup blood.)
  • Cut red onion in half and peel off a large outer ring of onion. Slice outer ring of onion lengthwise with the grain of the onion into 1/2 inch wide fingernails and trim the length as desired. Cut 8 and set aside.
  • Test fit of fingernails. It's okay if they are a little wider than your nail beds, because the hotdog will puff up a bit when cooked.
  • Boil hot dogs according to package directions. The hot dogs will puff up a bit and that gives the fingers a realistic look.
  • Add lots of ketchup to each bun and place hot dog fingers in buns. Dip the fingernail onion into a little ketchup to act as glue to hold the nail on and add it to the hot dog nail bed. Squeeze more ketchup and serve!
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  • Kathy says:

    I know a lot of people have done hotdog fingers but the prep & description on yours sounds awfully familiar to Homicidal Homemakers. Doesn’t hurt to leave a link to your inspiration now does it? Aside from that, nice job.

    • Lori Castellon says:

      Hi Kathy. Yes, I would’ve gladly linked her if I had used her recipe as inspiration. She does some amazing food, so I am flattered that you find some similarities. I will go and check out her version, I’m sure it’s great! Thank you for taking the time to comment.

  • Nicole says:

    Really inventive, gory but super easy for those that don’t cook or as imaginative. Thank you for posting the easy directions. Your food is, as always beautiful and amazing to taste. Bravo!

    • Lori Castellon says:

      It’s definitely an easy recipe that’s Halloween ready! I’m glad you like it and thank you for commenting Nicole. Happy Halloween!

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