1highlighter (any color)(I used yellow for it's brightness)
Glowing Glassware
Simply mix mod podge and black light reactive paint together in a small container. Paint the underside of glass plates and allow to dry. Repeat another coat if desired and allow to dry overnight. For the labware, paint the outside of each beaker or flask and allow to dry. I only used one coat on the labware so there was a little bit more transparency to the glass so that the glowing liquid would be visible through it, but feel free to put another coat if desired.Note: I didn't use the Mod Podge specifically for glass because didn't want the paint to be permanent and I wanted to be able to wash it off afterwards. But if you'd prefer it to be permanent, use the Mod Podge for Glass and allow for curing time according to product use instructions.
Glowing Liquid(non-edible)
Add water to a pitcher. Use pliers to pull the tip of the highlighter out and drop it into the pitcher of water. Use the pliers to remove the cap off the end of the highlighter and tap out the ink felt and drop that into your pitcher. Allow to steep for about 15-20 minutes. It doesn't take much time for the highlighter ink to color the water. Divvy up the water into your labware and repeat as needed. The highlighter ink can be used many times to make more glowing water. Feel free to use any color highlighter desired.